A better overview of all vacation and sick days

With its 750 employees, Check24 has been a satisfied client since the beginning of 2015. They now save about 10,000 sheets of paper and several thousands of hours every year.

Daniela Forster
Daniela Forest
Senior HR
Company Check24
750-1000 Employees
Company Check24

Which tools did you previously use for your personnel management?
"Everything was paper or email-based before the switch."

What were the biggest issues?
"The process was very unorganized and HR was lacking a clear overview. Elaborating statistics was extremely time-consuming. The employees and team leads didn't have an overview of their vacation and sick days, so they had to ask the HR department about them all the time."

What do you like the most about absence.io?
"Our time-off management got a lot easier. Both the HR department and the team leads now have a better overview of all the vacation and sick days of their employees. Statistics can be created within minutes, our employees now hardly ever need to clarify anything for us, and we just love the great overview we get with absence.io!"